Cougar (vehicle)

The Cougar is an armored fighting vehicle designed to be resistant to anti-vehicle mines and improvised munitions.

The Cougar is a family of armored vehicles produced by Force Protection Inc, which manufactures ballistic and mine-protected vehicles. The automotives are integrated by Spartan Motors. These specialty vehicles are protected against small arms, land mines and IEDs using a combination of design features and materials to protect both the crew and engine compartment against a wide range of attacks. A Monocoque type, V-shaped hull that extends to the engine bay and serves to direct the blast away from under the vehicle. The dual air-conditioners help keep heavily dressed troops from overheating in the 100+ degree F temperatures of Iraq.

4000 of these vehicles will have been fielded under the US military's MRAP (Mine Resistant Ambush Protected) and other vehicle programs. US Defense secretary Robert Gates demanded that the vehicles be ordered in larger numbers after the Marines reported in 2004 that no troops had died in more than 300 IED attacks on Cougars. Since then, Cougars have been hit by IEDs many times in Iraq with few fatalities. Britain chose the Cougar over the RG-33 for their "Mastiff" APV.

The Pentagon has future plans to add the Crows II remote weapon station, Raytheon Quick Kill active anti-RPG system, and the Frag Kit 6 anti-EFP armor.

Technical Solutions (South Africa)
Force Protection Industries
Unit cost
Cougar HE

The Cougar comes in two configurations, a 4×4 and 6×6. It is designed for the transport and protection of troops and equipment, especially against explosives (IEDs).
Cougar HEV (Hardened engineer vehicle)
4x4 and 6x6 vehicles ordered in 2004 by the USMC.
Badger ILAV (Iraqi Light Armored Vehicle)
Based on the Cougar and manufactured by FPII and BAE Systems for the Iraqi Army.
Cougar JERRV (Joint EOD rapid response vehicle)
4x4 and 6x6 variants for the US Army, USAF, and USMC. Approx 200 ordered in 2005 and 2006, with another 200 ordered in late 2006 but now called MRAPs to take account of the new US military/political initiative to be seen to be responding to public concerns about casualties.
Ridgback PPV (Protected Patrol Vehicle)
British version of the Cougar 4x4 from FPII base vehicles with a British armor package and electronics, including installation of Enforcer remote weapon stations on some vehicles.
Mastiff PPV (Protected Patrol Vehicle)
British version of the Cougar 6x6, with FPII providing the base vehicle and NP Aerospace in the UK integrating electronics and the British armor package.
Several thousand vehicles of 4x4 and 6x6 configuration for all of the US Armed Forces, though mostly for the USMC. Over 3500 MRAPS will be delivered by the end of 2008.
Tempest MPV (Mine Protected Vehicle)
this older design was based upon a South African hull and should not be confused with the Cougar, a new vehicle developed between April and September 2004 in response to a USMC requirement.


posted by Urooj on 6:30 AM under

